Linux has recently celebrated 25 years. This operating system developed by Linus Torvalds, originally as a hobby, has become indispensable today. |
Linux is not an operating system, strictly speaking, but rather a core or kernel. It is available under GNU open source license. It was 25 years ago that Linus Tovald, its creator, announced work on a project in a newsgroup dedicated message to the Minix OS. Linux is an important part of the history of computing that is found in Android, for example.
He was born 25 years ago Linux
"I create a free operating system (just a hobby, it will not be big and professional like gnu). I work since April, and it starts to be ready. " It is through this message that Linus Tovald, its creator, stated August 25, 1991 to work on what would become Linux. The 25-year-Finnish student based at the time on Minix, a simplified version of Unix.
Since 1992, version 0.12 is available in GNU license, ie free software, then it was in 1994 that the 1.0.0 version comes out, containing 176,250 lines of code. A year later Linux is available in version 1.2.0 with this time more than 310,000 lines of code. In 1996, the OS assumes its famous mascot, Tux the penguin, following a competition launched by Mr. Tovald. Anecdotally, it has been created from the Gimp software.
It was in the 2000s that the use of Linux will increase sharply, particularly on web servers. His association with the Apache server, MySQL and PHP languages (LAMP) will contribute to this success. Today, more than a third of web servers in the world run Linux as "w3techs".
Android is based on Linux
Linux is a must in the world of computers and technology. Android, Google's mobile OS is based on Linux. Today 86% of smartphones in the world market uses this operating system according to Gartner.
Also include the creation of Linus Tovald in many devices such as Internet box, GPS, PDAs or music players. It is also widely used in cloud infrastructures. Amazon with its Amazon Web Services uses, Google and Microsoft as well.
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